Team development

It is vital for its success that a team is not managed according to a fixed concept, but that the stage of its development and the individual skills of its members are taken into account. The awareness of these factors will enable you to take practical steps that will make your team members:

  • to enjoy teamwork
  • to be able to contribute their knowledge and skills and
  • to resolve conflicts peacefully …

… thus creating a high performance team.

In our work, we use – among others – the Team Management System® of Charles Margerison and Dick McCann, which focuses on the relationship between a team’s tasks and the work preferences of its members. Following C. G. Jung, we define four key areas for different work preferences:

  • How do I want to communicate with others?
  • How do I want to collect and use information?
  • How do I want to make decisions?
  • How do I want to organize myself and others?

People who work in accordance with their preferences do this with a high level of intrinsic motivation and consequently they are particularly successful.

Overall, a high performance team is characterized, FIRSTLY, by a high correlation of the individual work preferences of its members and the tasks.

The way in which the members of a team interact with one another is referred to as their ability to build links: Linking skills. They consist of social, personal and methodological skills and need to be recognized. The cohesion of the complex unity “team” is achieved by:

  • linking people
  • linking tasks
  • linking leadership

In summary, a high performance team possesses, SECONDLY, excellent abilities in the areas of task-oriented, people-oriented and leadership-oriented skills.

Excellent team management + outstanding team performance = high performance team